Changes to the game...
Two main reasons we receive messages where a few players request support are with the Gala Event and with navigating around the School.

Something evil is lurking the city!
You can unlock this and many other features by becoming our supporter.

Off to sea!
It's time to keep work on the 0.13 release scheduled for a late October release, which means, it will have a scary theme.

The 0.12 update has been released!
In this version, we are continuing with a story which started last release in which our hero kinda made a mess in Kana's and Ashley's life by poking around where he shouldn't. A harsh turn of events landed our beautiful ladies in hot water. Now it's time for our hero to step up once more and figure out how to help these ladies in distress before it's too late. That's why he was told not to get involved, right?

Version 0.12 beta is out!
Here, you can download the beta version of the upcoming release, 0.12. It is important that you know that this is an early versión, so it is still a work in progress.

We are streaming Sunday at 7:00 pm CST!
It’s been a long time since we did a stream, so it’s about time we do one! Since it's a live stream, remember to check it out to chat with our developers and ask any questions you might have.