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News and Announcement

Who wants a Sophie body pillow?
Monday, April 3, 2023

Who wants a Sophie body pillow?

A few players have asked if we sell any kind of merch from our game, so we started asking around on the internet what we could offer our fans.

Tags: Store
A blast from the past!
Friday, March 31, 2023

A blast from the past!

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Oh, my! I fell on top of you!
Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Oh, my! I fell on top of you!

At the moment we seem to be lacking a little inspiration, so we might have to rely on the good old-but-classic anime cliché, "Oh, my! I fell on top of you!"

Taking care of some unfinished business
Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Taking care of some unfinished business

Trying to release updates every 40 days has given us new challenges that we have to deal with.

Tags: 0.09, Coming Soon
Working on version 0.09
Friday, March 17, 2023

Working on version 0.09

After being off the grid for a few days, we are back and ready for action!

Tags: Violet, Jessica, 0.09
Version 0.08 is out!
Saturday, March 4, 2023

Version 0.08 is out!

We would like to inform you that the 0.080 release is up and ready to be downloaded by all of you naughty players.

Tags: 0.08, Release

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