Streaming today!
It’s been quite some time since our last stream so we want to do one today at 8:00 pm CST. drawing a small holiday promotional image.

So what’s next?
Launching 0.06, which seemed like something impossible just a few weeks ago, has given us the energy to continue developing the game like when we first started.

Version 0.06 is out!
We are glad to announce the release of version 0.06 is here!

Version 0.06 beta is out!
Here, you can download the beta version of the upcoming release, 0.06. It is important that you know that this is an early versión, so it is still a work in progress.

Finally, after lots and lots of trial and error, we are able to announce our very first release, the version 0.01 is about to be launched.

Working on something...
Follow the story of “Andy”, a young student who has to make the best of a family crisis.